Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Feeling sorry for the saree

Two days ago, a column in the newspaper said that western wear are gaining an edge over traditional Indian dresses. Yesterday, there was a column stating that none of the Bollywood actresses wore a saree to the awards function at Bangkok, rather they preferred gowns. Now when the westerners are borrowing from the rich Indian culture, whether it’s yoga, ayurveda or food habits, why are we running after western lifestyle? Why do we need to follow fashion trends from the west? Can’t we be the trend setters? Why have we forgotten that the nine yards of fabric, which identifies Indian culture is the only outfit having the potential to make any woman on earth look elegant. Sarees can let one flaunt those perfect curves. Sarees can help one hide those ugly flabs as well. Wearing sarees to work can be quite exasperating and this is when we can approve of western wears as a better alternative. But, when sarees paired with those fashionable halter-necks and spaghetti-straps and with a varied range of accessories, can make a lady look extremely hot and chic, do we need to replace this gorgeous and graceful dressing with evening gowns?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Two n half hours of pure fun!

My 6th sem exams didn’t go too well. Had it been any regular sem I would be spending the vacation worrying about my results. But now, that I have been placed in two companies, the sems are not a matter of concern, and I am completely relaxed. And this is what has made this summer vacation really enjoyable. Along with the relaxed mood what make the vacations more fun are my Java classes. 9am to 11:30 am. This is the best part of the day. Well before anyone starts drawing conclusions, I must mention that I don’t like studying. But studies can be fun when one belongs to a gang of six naughty girls,who are great examples of time-sharing systems!! Yes, whenever we get a minute or two between the lectures, our processors don’t remain idle. Rather they are devoted to complete our pending conversations! The regular fights with the boys for front seats and the conspiracies against them to occupy better seats, instills a feeling of adventure and excitement the moment one enters through the classroom door. If these reasons are not enough to make the lectures worth attending, then I must mention that we have a smart, charming and good-looking teacher! All this goes on upto 11am. This is when the class ends and the real ‘masti’ begins…Hurrying out of the class to sit under the shades of a tree enjoying the fiery orange blossoms of the gulmohur tree and chit-chatting with friends is what makes the next 9am much awaited!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

An attempt...

I am a person who uses the computer and keyboard either to chat on GoogleTalk or write a 'C' or JAVA program.So i am really confused what to write(although i spent two days trying to settle down on a topic!). I even don't know what made me decide to write a blog. Maybe, when the whole world starting from Amitabh Bachchan to my brother are blogging, i just wanted to follow the trend...or it might be the urge to deviate from my daily routine and try something new....or is it that i am good at drawing inspirations...I guess this is a more 'probable probability'. i don't possess the skills to weave magic with words.But i hope,by the time i am ten blogs old ,there will be an improvement.