Saturday, August 13, 2011

After rain comes sunshine

After rain comes sunshine, just as winter always turns to spring
But the spring blossom depends on how well we are able to use the winter
I guess I have learnt to brave the winter, and it was finally time to greet spring.

So true! Life’s happiness depends so much on how we have utilized our “problem phase”. Well, who has got a problem free life?? But certainly, there are times when we go through so much that, it seems nothing can be set right and all the advice we get to sort out things seem so useless. But believe me, it’s not that difficult. You just need to compose yourself, wipe away the tears that have stained your pillows, feel the soothing splash of water against your face, and then look at yourself in the mirror and smile. You will certainly realize that all that “went wrong” was so silly. Then one final step towards happiness – get out of your capsule and embrace the joys knocking at the door! It works….

1 comment:

Anamika said...

Very well written! Optimism rocks!:)